Indeed Andy, you nailed it perfectly.
At the end, what matters is the difference we made into other people's lives :
Do not aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference."
-- Denzel Washington
And we often confuse being rich and true wealth :
"It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor."
-- Seneca
The universe is the duality of the Ms or as I call it M&M : Mind and Matter
Most of us focus on accumulation of material things. That is not bad. It's just one part of the equation.
Other only focus on the Mind : leaving in a spiritual world discarding the material one.
Life is Mind. Life is mine.
Life is matter. Mine matters.
Life is Sollid. Life is the space between.
Life is light. Life is suffering.
Life is joy. Life is a mine.
Thank you Andy for inspiring me. 💯 🙏🏾