Thank you Habiba for sharing actionable tips.
I personally use LinkedIn and Twitter to promote my writing from Medium.
I am kind of lazy. I only focus on two platforms to be.
Indeed for most of us, writing on Medium is something on top of our daily job, family and friends, chores and other hobbies.
I want to play for the long game. To me it means that I initially only focused on LinkedIn to promote my work.
Then I added Twitter.
And now I am more active on Medium also.
That is always a lot for me. My reality is that writing is just for sharing my stories. So I have to balance the associated workload of promotion to the sustainable minimum for me.
Of course we all have different views and constraints.
I would recommend focusing first on one single platform where your audience is the most present. Grow there.
Try, fail and learn.
Once on cruise mode on that, add another one.
🙏🏾 💯 🤎 Habiba.