Thank you Ivona for that refreshing article about LinkedIn.
I feel less alone.
🙏🏾 Thank you 💥.
Indeed we live in a period where every wisdom should be fast flooded to a hamburger.
Yet there is a problem with fast food. Everyone can have one. But you better not digest.
With TikTok and Shorts, we have less attention than a gold fish.
Long form content is dying. It is dying twice.
First now everything has to be a fast food for a fat mind addicted to dopamine.
Second AI is vomiting long form content like an industrial chain of processed food.
Ze Guru :I am making 6 figures online. You wanna know how?
Give me your money.
Me : What?
Ze Guru : Yes I am making 6 figures thanks to all those people like you giving me their money to learn how I make 6 figures.
Me: Da Efff!
Ze Guru : Yeah, I know right! 😂