Thank you Nour for your article.
I felt bombarded with so many flying stars β¨ with the amazing questions you raised.
I was both enlightened and blinded by their brightness π.
Those are the three most powerful words in the English language :
Most people see me as the whirlpool in the ocean of life.
I have also seen identified as a specific whirlpool defined by others.
I am 43 years old. I'm learning to unlearn that.
I am not the whirlpool. I am the stream of water doing the whirpooling.
I am the universe at scale. I'm not the pattern. I am the thing creating the pattern.
Is light a wave or a particule ?
Light is a wavicule : both exist simultaneously.
Each question you raised is a musical note.
All those questions become the musical πΆ of life.
The secret?
You are supposed to dance now.
And the best way to summarize my takeaway from your article is the following quote :
The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.
-- Frank Herber, Dune.