Thank you Oscar for shedding a new light to the VUCA concept for me by providing solutions also.
The world is VUCA outside. The world is VUCA inside us also.
The more I look at it, the more I see more is projecting our internal VUCA and expectations to the outside world.
I think it's rooted in our desire to put a barrier between the universe 🌌 and us.
The universe is driven by entropy, the strongest force that exists.
Entropy is VUCA by essence. Entropy is beauty is disguise. Entropy is the ugly we despise.
Should change the world or the way we perceive the world?
That is a great question for which the answer is not just about duality.
That answer is a spectrum.
We need to move from a binary to a quantum world.
VUCA is discrète. Entropy is complete.
VUCA is contrasting what is with what is not.
Entropy is embracing the coexistence of both : what is, is, thanks to what is not.
Light is wavicule. It's not either wave or particules.
VUCA is a particule to the wave of life.