Thank you, Steve, for nailing it every time.
I agree with you that depending on your skin color, the standards are different.
If you are an Afro-descendant, there are many labels waiting for you: Black, Nez Gros, Uncle Tom, and the list goes on.
Each time someone labels me, they are trying to reduce me to the level of a commodity, a less-than-human being.
I am like a product on Amazon. Just hit the buy button, and I am replaced.
What can I do?
I am not Black. I am human.
I am not a Nez Gros. I am human.
I am not Uncle Tom. I am a human.
As a human, I am imperfect.
As a human, I am incomplete.
As a human, I am liable.
We all are. Black or White.
We all are humans, after all.
We all are one humanity.
Just let me be. I am already doing the same.
Thank you again, Steve. 💯🙏🏾🙌🏾🤎