That was a lot of effort to make effortless shift!
I read an article recently. I mean yesterday.
With two kids, I am not in the 28 days later blood shift.
I am not referring to my periods. Who said I didn't have one? 😂
I am referring to the Pixel theory.
I just discovered it yesterday. But as I am in the Mont Ignorance of my Dunning Kruger effect, I am an expert of that theory.
Long story short, we only see the final picture of successful people.
We never see them building it pixel by pixel.
Because we live in a pixel world. A small moment called the Eternal Now.
In that pixel, all shifts happen in all shades of Grey matter.
Then we polish that picture like our Insta Reels to create a fake story to share with the world.
Effortless we say. That is the lie we tell ourselves to get closer to the gods.
Thank you Robin for sharing that dirty pixel with us. 🤣